Công bố khoa học


  1. Nguyen T-L, Nguyen V-H, Nguyen T-M-H, Le-Hong P. Building a treebank for Vietnamese dependency parsing. Trong: Computing and Communication Technologies, Research, Innovation, and Vision for the Future (RIVF), 2013 IEEE RIVF International Conference on. Computing and Communication Technologies, Research, Innovation, and Vision for the Future (RIVF), 2013 IEEE RIVF International Conference on. IEEE; 2013.
  2. Thang DHung, Thinh N. Generalized random linear operators on a {H}ilbert space. Stochastics. 2013;85:1040–1059. doi:10.1080/17442508.2012.736995.
  3. Son TCong, Thang DHung. The Brunk-Prokhorov strong law of large numbers for fields of martingale differences taking values in a Banach space. Statist. Probab. Lett. 2013;83(8):1901–1910. doi:10.1016/j.spl.2013.04.023.
  4. Thang DHung, Anh PThe. Random fixed points of completely random operators. Random Oper. Stoch. Equ. 2013;21:1–20. doi:10.1515/rose-2013-0001.
  5. Anh PKy, Dzung VTien. Parallel iteratively regularized {G}auss-{N}ewton method for systems of nonlinear ill-posed equations. Int. J. Comput. Math. 2013;90:2452–2461. doi:10.1080/00207160.2013.782399.
  6. Anh PKy, Tuan NMinh, Tuan PDuc. The finite {H}artley new convolutions and solvability of the integral equations with {T}oeplitz plus {H}ankel kernels. J. Math. Anal. Appl. 2013;397:537–549. doi:10.1016/j.jmaa.2012.07.041.
  7. Bac DPhuong, Thǎńg NQuôć. On the topology of relative and geometric orbits for actions of algebraic groups over complete fields. Journal of Algebra. 2013;390:181 - 198. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jalgebra.2013.04.040.
  8. Vũ BCông. A Variable Metric Extension of the Forward–Backward–Forward Algorithm for Monotone Operators. Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization. 2013;34:1050-1065. doi:10.1080/01630563.2013.763825.
  9. Vinh PChi, Merodio J. Wave velocity formulas to evaluate elastic constants of soft biological tissues. Journal of Mechanics of Materials and Structures. 2013;8:51-64.
  10. Vinh PChi, Merodio J. Acoustoelasticity and the elastic constants of the soft biological tissues. Journal of Mechanics of Materials and Structures . 2013;8:359 - 367.
  11. Vinh PChi, Tung DXuan. Homogenization of very rough interfaces separating two piezoelectric solids. Acta Mechanica. 2013;224:1077-1088. doi:10.1007/s00707-012-0804-z.
  12. Vinh PChi, Linh NThi Khanh. An approximate secular equation of generalized Rayleigh waves in pre-stressed compressible elastic solids . International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics. 2013;50:91-96. doi:10.1016/j.ijnonlinmec.2012.11.004.
  13. Vinh PChi. Scholte-wave velocity formulae. Wave Motion. 2013;50:180-190. doi:10.1016/j.wavemoti.2012.08.006.
  14. Du NHuu, Linh VHoang, Mehrmann V, Thuan DDuc. Stability and robust stability of linear time-invariant delay differential-algebraic equations. SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl. 2013;34:1631–1654. doi:10.1137/130926110.
  15. Du NHuu, Linh VHoang, Mehrmann V. Robust stability of differential-algebraic equations. Trong: Surveys in differential-algebraic equations. {I}. Surveys in differential-algebraic equations. {I}. Springer, Heidelberg; 2013:63–95. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-34928-7_2.
  16. Du NHuu, Dieu NThanh. Stochastic dynamic equations on time scales. Acta Math. Vietnam. 2013;38:317–338. doi:10.1007/s40306-013-0022-3.
  17. Du NHuu, Liem NChi. Linear transformations and {F}loquet theorem for linear implicit dynamic equations on time scales. Asian-Eur. J. Math. 2013;6:1350004, 21. doi:10.1142/S1793557113500046.
  18. Borndörfer R, Hoang NDung, Karbstein M, Koch T, Martin A. How Many Steiner Terminals Can You Connect in 20 Years?. Trong: Facets of Combinatorial Optimization. Facets of Combinatorial Optimization. Springer; 2013:215-244.


  1. Lê QThuong. On a conjecture of Kontsevich and Soibelman. Algebra & Number Theory. 2012;6(2):389–404. doi:10.2140/ant.2012.6.389.
  2. Ninh VThu, Chử VTiệp. On the nonexistence of parabolic boundary points of certain domains in $\mathbb C^2$. J. Math. Anal. Appl. 389 (2012), pp. 908–914. 2012.
  3. Huy VN, Bang HH. Paley-Wiener theorem in the language of Taylor expansion coefficients. Doklady Mathematics. 2012;86(2):677-680.
  4. Le-Hong P, Nguyen T-M-H, Roussanaly A. Vietnamese parsing with an automatically extracted tree-adjoining grammar. Proceedings of the IEEE RIVF. 2012:91-96.
  5. Lê QThuong. Zeta function of degenerate plane curve singularity. Osaka Journal of Mathematics. 2012;49(3):687-697. Available at: https://projecteuclid.org/euclid.ojm/1350306593.
  6. Ngô QAnh, Xu X. Existence results for the Einstein-scalar field Lichnerowicz equations on compact Riemannian manifolds. Advances in Mathematics. 2012;230:2378–2415. doi:10.1016/j.aim.2012.04.007.
  7. Do T-H, Tabbone S, Ramos-Terrades O. Noise suppression over bi-level graphical documents using a sparse representation. Trong: Colloque International Francophone sur l’E ́crit et le Document - CIFED . Colloque International Francophone sur l’E ́crit et le Document - CIFED . Bordeaux, France; 2012.
  8. Do T-H, Tabbone S, Ramos-Terrades O. Text/graphic separation using a sparse representation with multi-learned dictionaries. Trong: 21st International conference on pattern recognition . 21st International conference on pattern recognition . Tsukuba, Japan : IEEE; 2012. Available at: https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/6460228/.
  9. Anh PKy, Lan NThi Thanh, Tuan NMinh. Solutions to systems of partial differential equations with weighted self-reference and heredity. Electron. J. Differential Equations. 2012:No. 117, 14.
  10. Hoang NDung. Algorithmic Cost Allocation Games: Theory and Applications. Trong: Klatte D, Lüthi H-J, Schmedders K, b.t.v Operations Research Proceedings 2011: Selected Papers of the International Conference on Operations Research (OR 2011), August 30 - September 2, 2011, Zurich, Switzerland. Operations Research Proceedings 2011: Selected Papers of the International Conference on Operations Research (OR 2011), August 30 - September 2, 2011, Zurich, Switzerland. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg; 2012:599–604. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-29210-1_95.